Set Work Hours In Outlook

Lets say you want to have a rule in outlook send to you only between specific times in the day.

  • Only after 6pm and before 8am
  • Only on your lunch hour
  • When you are not at work

I will explain this by having emails forward to my cell phone, only when I am normally not at the office. (From 6pm-8am) This way, I will be able to receive important emails that may require special outside assistance.

What I do is:

Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013 Service Pack 1, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010 In this article In the Calendar module of Microsoft Outlook and when you use the Scheduling Assistant, some calendars of shared mailboxes or rooms display working hours as having a grey background while other calendars display working hours as having a white. If your work schedule is something different than the typical hours from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday thru Friday, you can change Outlook's calendar to what your work times are. Select the 'File' tab. Choose 'Options' from the menu. Select 'Calendar' from the menus and then modify the 'Work Time' settings.

  • Create a special category called FWD
  • Use other rules to set messages into the FWD category if I want them forwarded. (Explained Below)
  • Then, create a rule to run last in the rules list called FWD Rule
  • *Important Part* This will check the time on the messages, if it’s within the specified hours, it will forward the email (Explained Below)

Creating a Rule to set the FWD Category:
Your Rule Description should look something like this. The important part is that it is assigning it to the FWD Category:

How can I set my Outlook calendar to accept my night shift work hours? I work 12 hour shifts starting at 6pm (1800) and clock out at 0630 (630 am) the following morning. This thread is locked. While you can't schedule Outlook to only download mail during certain hours, you do have some options: Close Outlook when you leave the office; Disable the 'Schedule an automatic send and receive every xx minutes' option (and press F9 when you want to check for new mail) Set Outlook offline when you leave (if you want to leave it run 24/7).

The Rule that will email header* for UTC times. Make sure it’s assigned to the FWD category. And then FWD it:

* This should work on most emails, but if you want to look at the email header Right-click on the message in the Inbox and select Message Options.
* I included the 2011 and the colon to make it more specific.

UTC Time for 6pm – 8am:
Email Header contained:
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 18 Feb 2011 03:23:52.0368 (UTC)
So I searched for:


Related posts:

How to set work time in outlook calendar

Set Work Hours In Outlook 365


Outlook Menu Preferences

This article will show you how to set your work hours in the Outlook online app. Setting work hours lets others know when you are in the office when they are viewing your calendar.

1. Open your Outlook email.

Click the Calendar icon in the lower left corner.

2. A new tab will open. Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner.

3. A window will appear to the right side of your screen.

Scroll to the bottom of the window and click View all Outlook settings.

4. Another pop-up window will appear.

Under Working Hours, enter your work hours (start and end time).

Under Show school week as: select the days in which your working hours apply.

5. Click Save in the upper right corner of the pop-up window.